Here at Caribbean Moms we know how important it is to look after our planet and make sure we keep Jamaica as beautiful as it is for our kids and future generations.
Along with our friends at Recycling Partners of Jamaica, we want to use this space as somewhere moms can go to ask questions, share tips, and talk about ways we can make Jamaica cleaner and greener.
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I try my best to recycle a lot of stuff
Breast milk ,when my baby is full i full out bags a put it in the deep freeze
Wipes use it wen am out or on the road with her and her rags at home
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I recycle in 3 ways.
I reuse cheese pan to plant flowers.
I wash my white clothes in the machine, when it rinse I take out the clothes and hang them wet and then load the black clothes in that water.
I gather plastic bottles from work and home and take them to NSWMA drop off location.
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We all have to play our part to save our planet! Some of the simple ways I practice recycling is to have one water bottle that I refill rather than drinking from bottled water everyday. Where possible I use reusable products such as shopping bags. Also, rather than throwing away clothes that no longer fit but which are still in good condition - I either give them hAitems away or donate them.Recycling can also mean exercising your creativity so it’s not unusual to visit my home and see me using repurposed items that I have recycled.