Breastfeeding with Bianca Chung

:breast_feeding:t6:Join lactation counsellor, Bianca Chung live here on November 8th at 12pm JA time/1pm TT time to discuss all things breastfeeding.

:warning: A number of the questions were submitted in advance by our moms via our Caribbean Moms social channels and thus have been added below by our admin, alaf

Keep adding your questions to this thread!!

Help! My baby won’t latch. What do I do?

How can I increase my milk supply?

How can I start weaning my baby off the breast?

I feel like all I do is feed :cry: Can i set a breastfeeding routine?

How do I stop my milk supply?

I’ve stopped breastfeeding and i feel so guilty :pensive: please help

What should I eat when I’m breastfeeding?

Any tips on how to deal with sore nipples?

How do I deal with the pain when my baby gets teeth?

I have too much milk. What do I do?

How do I prevent blocked milk ducts?

Can I prevent mastitis?

I have no confidence to breastfeed in public. What do I do?

Can you recommend a good breast pump to buy?

Should I express to let my partner help with the feeds?

Hi Bianca,

An issue I have is with cluster feeding, my son wakes me up in the middle of the night and seemingly wants to feed constantly and it’s playing havoc with my already depleted sleep pattern, is there anything I can do to make the feeds a bit more organised so he’s full and we both sleep a bit better?

Thanks very much!

Seeking the help of a lactation professional is a great first step. There can be various reasons why your baby is having difficulty latching. It could be as straightforward as adjusting the way you hold your baby during breastfeeding, or something more complex such as concerns relating to your baby’s orofacial characteristics. In some cases, these challenges may necessitate the additional assistance of specialists such as paediatric dentists and physiotherapists. However, the reassuring aspect is that there is typically a solution to address these issues and get baby latching.

I would recommend seeking the help of a lactation professional. There are a plethora of reasons as to why you may not be making enough milk. The solution may be as simple as increasing the frequency of breastfeeding and/or pumping sessions. Alternatively, it could involve exploring maternal and/or infant biological factors affecting milk supply. The good news is that there are usually strategies to help resolve these issues and improve milk production. There is no one size fits all solution and so it is important to speak to a lactation professional who can do a comprehensive evaluation.

This depends on when you plan to start weaning from the breast. The American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) both recommend exclusively breastfeeding for the first 6 months. At this point both organisations recommend gradually introducing solid foods which can naturally initiate the weaning-from-the-breast process. It can be helpful to consult with a lactation professional when planning to introduce solids to safely navigate this transition and understand practically its impact on breastfeeding.